The Apple of One's Eye
The idiom, apple of one’s eye, is a way of saying a person, pet or thing is loved very dearly.
In this way, the apple represents love.
These two boys are the apples of my eye, my little loves.
Apples also represent the transition from Summer to Autumn as the peak of apple picking season is in August and September. School starts during this time and the apple has found its way into class rooms, on teacher’s desks, in back packs, in kids’ lunches and … on your front doors!
We come full circle with this quintessential symbol as it represents learning and love.
Sweet Cameron on her first day of school last year with her original hand painted Fuji apple Door Charm.
There is something so special about a picture on the first day of school of our littles on the front porch with an Apple Door Charm in the back ground!
I love comparing front porch photos from the first and last day of school to see how much they have grown. There is something so nostalgic about the apple representing learning and love with our kids, back to school and changing season.
Even if your little ones are grown, hanging an apple on your door will always represent your little love leaving the nest, whether for a half day, school day, college, or to fly off to create their own place in the world.
Honey Crisp Apples are available NOW!
Long Story, Longer
As I was adding a fresh coat of juicy red paint to the solid Teacher’s Pet apples I couldn’t help but think about my Pappaw. I was the apple of his eye and I adored him endlessly. My grandfather was known as Happy Jack; he always wore smile on his face, horse riding belt buckle and an heirloom diamond cluster ring. When he passed the diamond ring was disassembled; 6 diamonds were made into 3 sets of earrings for his 3 daughters. Just before my wedding day, my mother and aunts presented me with a very special necklace. Sapphires, filigree and the 7th diamond from Pappaw’s diamond ring were used to create this very special necklace for me.
Instead of flowers, I carried a violin. Dating back to 1745 this is the oldest representation of my mother’s family, a special homage to my grandfather. The tiny delicate hand of my sweet niece in my other hand. When it was Hailey’s turn to spread flower petals and ring the bell she was too nervous to walk down the aisle alone. I embraced it and we walked together. I was escorted down the aisle by the oldest and youngest representations of my family.
As we usher our little treasures off to school this year I hope the Teacher’s Pet and Honey Crisp apples on our doors bring a smile to our hearts as we all continue to learn and grow, together.
My Mom, Aunt Carol and Aunt Dale sharing a very special gift with me; accompanied by my sister and niece.
Photo Credit: Critsey Rowe Photography